Next week is going to be hard, but I'll be ok. I'm going to spend the weekend in a national park, just us and the nature around us. That is just what I need. See you when the craziness is over next weekend.
I really could use some attention right now. Some loving moments would do. I trip on the weekend would be awesome. I miss my working-late-husband a lot, but I know he will survive and will be happy ever after.
Petit Retro - there is one creator-decorator-designer that I like, she creates and does all the cute thing for baby and kids. And now she is in a new address and I haven' got the time to check it out. For now I have these photos to share.
During the Carnival holiday was my birthday, that sign says it all. It was a great party, good music, nice people and most of all it has been just how I wanted. Those off you who were there will understand this. For the others I have just one thing to say: enjoy it just like you should. I enjoyed and don't regret.
I'm back. After some deserved vacation and a great carnival. Here are some pictures I liked, all from Rio Etc, continuing with the same topic: carnival, carnival carnival... Ok that is it, I've had it and now is back to real like (oh, that's hard).